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Clay Road

poetry of Emily Isaacson


Analogue Photograph by Emily Isaacson  "Clematis Stencil"

Exhibited at the MAC Gallery in Sep 2010

     I took the hand of a child once and guided her through
a galaxy of meteors and unsubjugated fire. The beings of
  heaven have much more understanding than the scavengers
       of earth, for they are as old as the universe itself.

                    --Emily Isaacson

The Clay Road Gallery: Visit here . . .

Emily Isaacson's Photography Porfolio on Flickr:  Visit here . . .

Voetelle Art & Design: Visit here . . .

Photography Exhibit Book Voetelle  . . .

YouTube: videos of Emily's poetry and her art  

Voetelle Channel: Visit here





Wild Lilies

Emily Carr used to write about the fields of wild lilies in early British Columbia. If you are wondering what a wild lily is, well it refers in this case to any earth-bound lily in contrast to the gilded lily or fleur-de-lis. Your soul is like a prism issuing a rainbow of colour. When you write, draw from contrast to lend depth to your work. 
